ABOUT Dr Hannah Berry


Meet Dr Hannah Berry

Dr Hannah Berry Registered Chiropractor, Practice Number: 0638714 Member of CASA (Chiropractic Association of South Africa)

Dr Hannah Berry obtained her Masters degree in Chiropractic from the university of Johannesburg. Dr research dissertation titled, “The Immediate effect of Spinal Manipulative therapy on Movement Time” explored the beneficial effects that a chiropractic adjustment has on motor control and how a dysfunctional vertebral segment negatively effects a person’s ability to correctly process sensory information, even in the absence of pain. Based on her findings Dr Berry strongly believes that a pain is the last symptom to manifest and as a result one shouldn’t wait until they are in pain before coming into see a chiropractor. Dr Berry has a passion for health and wellness and as a result she approaches her patients in a holistic manner. She will employ the services of other practioners so that her patients may receive the best treatment protocol to ensure they are living their healthiest lives. Dr Berry is also a big advocate for patient education. She encourages her patients to do exercises or to partake in movement that is going to best suit their body type and fitness level, movement is the best medicine after all.

Dr Berry is currently furthering her studies, she is doing a diploma in exercise nutrition as well as a diploma in professional development from the Angelo European Chiropractic College (UK). Dr Berry is a keen sportswoman and spends most of her free-time either running or surfing.