Dr Hannah Berry
Registered Chiropractor
AHPCSA (A11745)
Practice No 0638714
Dr Hannah Berry graduated from the university of Johannesburg in 2016. Shortly after graduating she moved to Cape Town where she met her husband. Since the successful home birth of her son in 2020, Dr Berry has a keen interest in helping pregnant moms educate themselves so that they too can have an empowered birth, whatever that may look like. She is also a passionate breastfeeding advocate after the difficult start her and her son had due to a tongue tie. She feels there is a lack of support and community to new moms as well as moms of multiple children. “It breaks my heart seeing moms who come in thinking that their bodies have failed them, when in fact what has failed them is the system.”- Dr Berry
Hannah is completing her Breastfeeding Peer counsellor Program through the La Leche League South Africa and keeps up to date with the latest research related to chiropractic, pregnancy and paediatrics. Hannah is both a member of the Chiropractic Association of South Africa as well as the Paediatric Chiropractic Association of South Africa
Hannah is married with a son and enjoys surfing, running and all things outdoors.